SEO reporting is the process of tracking and analyzing your website’s SEO performance. This information can help you identify areas where you’re doing well and areas where you need to improve.

There are many different ways to create SEO reports. Some companies use automated tools, while others prefer to create their reports manually. No matter how you create your reports, there are some key metrics that you should always include.

SEO Reporting metrics include:

  • Organic traffic: This is the amount of traffic that your website receives from search engines.
  • Keyword rankings: This shows how your website ranks for different keywords in search results.
  • Backlinks: This is the number of websites that link back to your website.
  • Domain authority: This is a measure of how reputable your website is.
  • Page authority: This is a measure of how reputable a specific page on your website is.

By tracking these metrics, you can get a better understanding of how your SEO efforts are performing. This information can help you make better decisions about your SEO strategy.

Why SEO Reporting is Important

There are many reasons why SEO reporting is important. Here are a few of the most important ones:

  • It helps you track your progress. SEO is a long-term process, and it can be difficult to see results overnight. By tracking your progress over time, you can see how your SEO efforts are paying off.
  • It helps you identify areas where you need to improve. No website is perfect, and there are always areas where you can improve your SEO. By tracking your progress, you can identify areas where you’re not doing as well as you could be.
  • It helps you make better decisions about your SEO strategy. With the right information, you can make better decisions about your SEO strategy. For example, you can decide which keywords to target, which websites to link to, and how much time and money to spend on SEO.


SEO reporting is an essential part of any SEO strategy. By tracking your SEO performance, you can identify areas where you’re doing well and areas where you need to improve. With the right information, you can make better decisions about your SEO strategy.

Mike DeMuth has the SEO Reporting tools and reports your company needs to understand its position online relative to your competitors.

Complete a quote request below for a full website audit and we’ll touch base on how we can help you realize your goals online.

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